In Swift, collection types come in two varieties Array and Dictionary
Array: You can create an Array of a single type or an array with multiple types. Swift usually prefers the former one
Example for single type array is,
Var cardName : [String] = [ “Robert” , “Lisa” , “Kevin”]
// Swift can infer [String] so we can also write it as:
Var cardNames = [ “Robert”, “Lisa”, “Kevin”] // inferred as [String]
To add an array you need to use the subscript println(CardNames[0])
Dictionary: It is similar to a Hash table as in other programming language. A dictionary enables you to store key-value pairs and access the value by providing the key
var cards = [ “Robert”: 22, “Lisa” : 24, and “Kevin”: 26]
Array: You can create an Array of a single type or an array with multiple types. Swift usually prefers the former one
Example for single type array is,
Var cardName : [String] = [ “Robert” , “Lisa” , “Kevin”]
// Swift can infer [String] so we can also write it as:
Var cardNames = [ “Robert”, “Lisa”, “Kevin”] // inferred as [String]
To add an array you need to use the subscript println(CardNames[0])
Dictionary: It is similar to a Hash table as in other programming language. A dictionary enables you to store key-value pairs and access the value by providing the key
var cards = [ “Robert”: 22, “Lisa” : 24, and “Kevin”: 26]